Rodrigo Giraldo
Professional in Gemology and Jewelry Design of the Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica, California, USA (1980). Lecturer, teacher and consultant for more than 35 years of major national trade organizations such as FENALCO (Colombian Federation of Traders), FEDESMERALDAS (Emeralds Federation), SENA (National Apprenticeship Service), Colombian Circle Jewelry, Goldsmiths and Jewelers Association from La Candelaria quarters, besides well recognized private and official sector firms.
Founder and director of the Laboratory of Gemology RG, expert in the use of spectrographic technology (FTIR, RAMAN, UV-VIS-NEAR) for identification and certification of precious stones, lecturer and professor of techniques and procedures in gemology, advisor on emerald marketing and the acquisition and installation of specialized equipment for gemological laboratories.
Likewise, he has represented Colombia in world congresses of Gemology, the CIBJO, the International Color Association – ICA, international fairs in the United States, Europe and Asia, the GIA symposium in United States and in the Harmonization Committee for the Gemstone Manual (LMHC).
FTIR (Infrared Spectroscopy Fourier Transformer)
The laboratory has the FTIR, which is one of the most important instruments for the analysis of precious stones such as Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Alexandra, Jade, Topaz, etc., including the identification of the different types of treatments used to improve or change the color or clarity of some of these gemstones
We provide theoretical practical Gemology customized courses as well as conferences on emerald, diamond, ruby, sapphire and colored stones.